Verbatim says they can stand the rain
Here’s the situation of use for this puppy. You travel around for months at a time with no computer, but need to blog or off load pictures from your adventure camera (link) at local internet cafe’s and want to keep them with you. Still not a very practical situation given all the free internet “cloud” space out there lately (Dropbox being a personal favorite). Maybe you can find a practical use and let me know. Material: ABS plastic Waterproof: Yes Length: 2.9" Width: 0.9" Depth: 0.45" Weight: ~2 oz USB 1.1 or 2.0 compatible OS: Windoze, Mac, Linux 4GB $30 8GB $50 Happy trails you niche market maker you.

Helmetcam designed for X Games…price says so
To meet our yin/yang quota, our friends across the pond have developed a camera targeted directly at you my extreme sports friend. The Predator VX360 hits what might be the very top of the line for the helmet cam category. Once sticker shock has settled, you’ll see why Predator Technologies priced this bad boy close to $900. Predator claims a three meter submersion (that’s almost 10 feet for us stateside folks) which is nothing to scoff at. Let’s be honest though, for most uses of a helmet cam with extreme sports, would you really ever need more than 3 meters? We didn’t think so. The rugged ...

VholdR CountorHD 1080p…same form factor
GoPro isn’t the only kid on the block pumping out a 1080p updated product this week. Given the totally rad temperatures most of the US is experiencing right now, we’re all itchin to get this noose (ahem: tie) off our necks and get a whiff of the great outdoors. This is a much needed update for VholdR to maintain their market share and keep those youngsters happily youtube’n. The package dimensions are dang near identical to the 720p version that VholdR dropped on the market in the not so distant past. The frame rates for HD are the 30fps average for the output resolution. Button layout here is key ...

GoPro’s Hero wants you to say “hey ya’ll watch this”
GoPro is at it again, this time with some major PR heading up their Helmet Hero 1080p camera push. This one eyed monster is placed in the totally worth it category if you don’t already have a helmet cam. This isn’t an essential upgrade if you’re already sporting a semi-useful waterproof helmet cam though, save your bones for a new Waterproof Adventure Camera. They have our hearts with all the videos found here which are totally treacherous and worth a few moments of your time. There’s also a full PDF press release that can be found here. Starting price right under two Benjie’s. What's Included: 5 ...

iPhone solar charger…finally
Novothink Surge, we’ve been waiting on you. Any time saving the environment comes into action, we want to throw in our part. Picture this, you're out on a weekend hike and get totally lost or turned around. Alls you have in your possession is your iphone and your Surge iphone solar charger (shame on you for not taking a SPOT). Give your iPhone 3G or 3GS 2 hours in direct sunlight and you're got yourself 30 mins of talk time or GPS functionality...if you can weed yourself out of the trees (spelunkers, you're screwed in this situation, so always know where your'e ...

Samsung has the concept right…that’s where it ends
We like where Samsung is headed with the SC-X300L…and then we saw this baby reviewed by engadget and totally lost interest. The form factor is just clumsy and hard to strap on, which sorta defeats the whole point of a “wearable” camcorder. For $449.99 there are many many other options. Peep their review here and prepare to be underwhelmed.

Be like Samsung…harness the sun
Ring ring…hello…it’s for you electronics makers, you were suppose to have already had this solar thing tackled by now! Yes, we consumers are extremelly disappointed but at least some companies are still trying to do the right thing. Plus, this might help when that bear traps you up in a tree for days on end. The bad news is that you would be aiming this dog at the sun for an hour before you could get 5-10 mins of talk time...better make sure it's a special person. We think the iPhone Surge is a much better but...but if you're anti-Apple (you windows weenie) then ...

Aiptek PenCam HD portable camcorder…but not outdoor rated
Nothing screams outdoors about Aiptek’s PenCam HD except portability. Which in itself is alot when you just want to grab your stick and float some powpow. This tiny pack boast some nice specs (listed below) but is only rated for your average adventure. However, Aiptek has over-engineered this little peeper to handle some tougher environments and at a Lincoln under $170 it's hard to pass up. Pro’s -Small form factor and weight -HD 720p video and 5MP still -Video review capability Con’s -Battery life -Video image stability Overall it has nice specs but it’s hard to watch a video appearing to be held by someone suffering from a seizure. If you’re ...

VholdR is Being John Malkovich
Lookin' to do something totally treacherous? Then you should probably be wearing a helmet, and while you're at it might as well attach an HD camera to it. Whether framing a sick move...or just making sure you catch your bud biting it...chump...VholdR’s new ContourHD is a must have for any serious endeavors. Plus chicks dig a rad video of you eating it to go along with your new tattoo. This beast hosts: Tough shell of aluminum and fiberglass Water resistant (not all cams are waterproof) All-in-one helmet cam (i.e.: no wires) HD 720p resolution (30fps) Internal mic - AAC 16GB memory capacity (2GB included) 4.2 ounces full specs You could ...

Adventure camera
I'm the first to admit that the iPhone does a lot of things well...but taking photos just isn't one of them. Nothing ruins a could be bragging moment like the inability to differentiate between a sick grab and your grandmothers 88th birthday....oh Mr. blurry-cam, how we hate thee. For experienced photographers, nothing will beat lugging around their 15 lb bag of SLR megapixel goodness. For the rest of us, we simply want to be able to lay our heads down at night knowing we could whip out a high res shot, drop our camera a few ft into the dirt, ...

Helmet Cam

To meet our yin/yang quota, our friends across the pond have developed a camera...

GoPro isn’t the only kid on the block pumping out a 1080p updated product this...

GoPro is at it again, this time with some major PR heading up their Helmet Hero...

We like where Samsung is headed with the SC-X300L…and then we saw this baby reviewed...
Read More Posts From This CategorySolar Powered

Novothink Surge, we’ve been waiting on you. Any time saving the environment comes...

Ring ring…hello…it’s for you electronics makers, you were suppose to have...
Read More Posts From This CategoryAll Gizmos

Here’s the situation of use for this puppy. You travel around for months at a time with no computer, but need to blog or off load pictures from your adventure camera (link) at local internet cafe’s and want to keep them with you. Still not a very practical situation given all the free internet “cloud” space out there lately (Dropbox being a... [Read more of this review]

To meet our yin/yang quota, our friends across the pond have developed a camera targeted directly at you my extreme sports friend. The Predator VX360 hits what might be the very top of the line for the helmet cam category. Once sticker shock has settled, you’ll see why Predator Technologies priced this bad boy close to $900. Predator claims a three meter... [Read more of this review]

GoPro isn’t the only kid on the block pumping out a 1080p updated product this week. Given the totally rad temperatures most of the US is experiencing right now, we’re all itchin to get this noose (ahem: tie) off our necks and get a whiff of the great outdoors. This is a much needed update for VholdR to maintain their market share and keep... [Read more of this review]

GoPro is at it again, this time with some major PR heading up their Helmet Hero 1080p camera push. This one eyed monster is placed in the totally worth it category if you don’t already have a helmet cam. This isn’t an essential upgrade if you’re already sporting a semi-useful waterproof helmet cam though, save your bones for a new Waterproof... [Read more of this review]

Novothink Surge, we’ve been waiting on you. Any time saving the environment comes into action, we want to throw in our part. Picture this, you’re out on a weekend hike and get totally lost or turned around. Alls you have in your possession is your iphone and your Surge iphone solar charger (shame on you for not taking a SPOT). Give your... [Read more of this review]

We like where Samsung is headed with the SC-X300L…and then we saw this baby reviewed by engadget and totally lost interest. The form factor is just clumsy and hard to strap on, which sorta defeats the whole point of a “wearable” camcorder. For $449.99 there are many many other options. Peep their review here and prepare to be underwhelmed. Read More →

Ring ring…hello…it’s for you electronics makers, you were suppose to have already had this solar thing tackled by now! Yes, we consumers are extremelly disappointed but at least some companies are still trying to do the right thing. Plus, this might help when that bear traps you up in a tree for days on end. The bad news is that you would... [Read more of this review]
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